In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Scott Shannon, a renowned child
psychiatrist, sounds the clarion call on a raging epidemic: the
overlabeling and overmedicating of our kids today.
In recent years, the diagnosing of serious mental conditions in
children has skyrocketed. From 1987 to 1996, the number of kids in the
United States given prescriptions for psychiatric medications tripled.
If this trend continues, fully half of all American kids will be on
some kind of psychiatric drug within a generation. Are more and more of
our children really born with faulty brain chemistry? Or are we simply
too willing to label and medicate them? Dr. Shannon answers these
compelling questions in ways that will give hope to millions of parents
and relief to millions of children.
Dr. Shannon passionately believes in the innate "wellness" of our
children, and he views the escalating diagnoses of major psychiatric
conditions (such as depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder) as more of
a reflection of a well-meaning but flawed medical system than a gauge
of the health and quality of our kids' brains.
What sets Dr. Shannon apart is his belief that the behavioral, social,
and emotional problems we see in our children today are symptoms of
real stressors that are not being addressed. In Please Don't Label My Child,
Dr. Shannon clearly identifies the most common stressors -- such as
inadequate nutrition, hidden environmental issues, strained
parent-child relationships, unaddressed trauma, and poor "fit" between
a child's learning style and his school -- and shows parents how to
recognize these and tackle them head-on. The happy result is often a
child's return to emotional and mental health -- without the use of
labels or drugs.
pub date: 2007-08-21 | hardcover | 9781579546823 |