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Black Gold: The New Frontier in Oil for Investors

by George Orwel

Published by Wiley

##time## / ##duration## Author Interview

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Modern living is driven by oil, from the gasoline that propels our cars to the electricity that powers our homes to the military that protects our freedom. Throughout the twentieth century, a relatively uninterrupted supply of oil has fueled our nation's unparalleled growth.

Yet steadily increasing demand from the United States, as well as from rapidly developing nations such as China and India, has begun to seriously strain the world's oil reserves. This represents the onset of a challenging new economic, philosophical, and political world -- and an unprecedented opportunity for in-the-know investors.

Black Gold argues that oil prices are primed for an "überspike" and examines how institutional and individual investors can reap substantial rewards from this volatile and uncertain environment. Written by veteran oil analyst and journalist George Orwel, this insightful and prescient book provides you with:

  • Analysis of alternative fuel sources, from solar and nuclear energy to wind and even wood, and the pluses, minuses, and potential investment value of each
  • Insights from dozens of major figures, from energy industry executives and observers to seasoned investing pros
  • An insider's look at Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries, discussing how what they say they can produce -- versus what they actually can produce -- will rock future markets
  • Detailed charts and graphs on why the best time to invest in oil-related investments is NOW -- and proven strategies for uncovering the most profitable opportunities
  • Actual investments, from ETFs and energy futures to hedge funds and oil-related companies, that stand poised to provide you with better-than-average returns over both the short- and long-term

Oil is the dominant energy source fueling the modern economy. When you combine that knowledge with the fact that oil is a nonrenewable resource that will be exhausted at some indeterminate future time, it is easy to see how its value to you as an investor cannot be overstated.

Black Gold views this opportunity from every angle. Whether you are an oil industry executive looking for new perspectives or an investor searching for new ideas to enhance your portfolio's performance, this dramatic and valuable book will change the way you view today's evolving energy marketplace -- and your role as an investor in that marketplace.

pub date: 2006-06-05 | hardcover | 9780471792680