
by Michael Johanek
This groundbreaking volume encourages today’s educational leaders to reposition the way they think about leadership and its challenges. Experienced school and district leaders reveal how they conceptualize their roles, how they learn by posing and solving problems of practice, and how they cope with increasing expectations and complexity in their work. This compilation of compelling narratives demonstrates the power and efficacy of what can happen when school, district, and other educational leaders position themselves as inquirers, bringing forth broader social justice and equity implications. Readers see how leadership can illuminate and improve many aspects of institutional life and create intellectually demanding and rich learning environments for both adults and children. At its heart, Repositioning Educational Leadership is an invitation to practitioners and scholars to make space for new critical questions and perspectives. This book nurtures an expanded discourse about leadership, generated by leaders themselves, and arising from some of the most vexing and often invisible aspects of their important work.
by Eric Sheninger and Trish Rubin
BrandED shows school leaders how to move beyond mascots and clever taglines to showcase their school's assets—and enhance communication with students, parents and all stakeholders. Through smart conversations about the genuine power of branding in education, this book shows how a "BrandED" mindset can improve schools by strengthening relationships, improving communication, telling your story, and increasing resources.
Recent events have turned the spotlight on the issue of race in modern America, and the current cultural climate calls out for more research, education, dialogue, and understanding. Race and Social Change: A Quest, A Study, A Call to Action focuses on a provocative social science experiment with the potential to address these needs.
Kids need easy ways to recall stuff - especially now that they don't even have to remember a phone number because their cell phones do it for them. This book is jammed with easy-to-use tricks for remembering lots of stuff. Through entertaining examples, kids will learn to remember everything they need to know about the earth, reading and writing, history, math and music.
Get a grip on the globe with fun geographical facts about the world around you. After all, as Jimmy Buffet said, “Without geography, you’re nowhere.” Filled with hundreds of cool ways to remember the tallest, largest, longest, and most desolate, this is the perfect companion to get a grip on the globe.
With its "a-ha! " facts, useful illustrations, and interesting sidebars, rediscover what you learned in history class about the world and its inhabitants, along with new geography quick facts. Explore both the physical and human aspects with its entertaining, easy-to-understand language.
by Steve Martin, Mike Goldsmith, Ph.D., and Marianne Taylor
Have you ever been excited to find out you knew something others didn't? With I Wish I Knew That you'll learn fascinating tidbits -- on everything from art, literature, and history to geography, science, and math -- from just one quick-and-easy read crammed with fun and cool stuff.
Practical, innovative, and powerful methods to enliven classrooms and ignite a passion for learning in each and every child. It is time to “GET ON THE DESK” and make every school in America the absolute best it can be. These are the 101 most successful strategies we have used to help uplift our children and enliven our classrooms.
Whether you're writing a report or a creative essay, the more you understand about the workings of the English language, the better you'll do. Write (Or Is That "Right"?) Every Time provides a fun-and-easy way to tackle tenses, sort out spelling slip- ups, put a full stop to punctuation problems, and conquer clauses.
by J.A. Wines and Caroline Taggart
Sharpen your language skills and navigate your way around grammatical minefields with this entertaining and practical guide. For anyone who has ever been stumped by dangling modifiers and split infinitives, or for those who have no idea what these things even are, My Grammar and I...Or Should That Be Me? offers practical and humorous guidance on how to avoid falling into language pitfalls.
Proverbs -- those colorful time-honored truths -- have become part of our everyday language. But how often do we think about their origins or meanings?
by Bernie Trilling & Charles Fadel
This essential resource introduces a framework for 21st century learning that maps out the skills needed to survive and thrive in a complex and connected world.