
by Andy Steiner
"Breast is best." You've heard it from your doctor, your best friend, your pushy colleague. No arguments from you -- you're intent on nursing and you're ready to grow your baby the best way possible.
Mallika Chopra's stories and essays are compelling and human -- whether you are pregnant, parenting a newborn, or supporting a "baby" who is in college, 100 Promises to My Baby is a reminder to connect with the parent you'd like to be, even if you occasionally miss the mark.
Written in a style that blends humor, insightful stories, and practical experience, Ready to Learn provides a flexible time-tested approach, using step-by-step strategies that will help your preschoolers become confident and love learning -- before they enter the classroom.
The perfect baby name will speak to your heart, give your child a great start in life -- and maybe even satisfy your relatives. But you can't expect to just stumble on a name like that in an A-to-Z dictionary or on a trendy list.
by Paul C. Holinger, M.D., M.P.H., with Kalia Doner
In What Babies Say Before They Can Talk, Paul C. Holinger, M.D., M.P.H., a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who has been studying children and their emotions for more than twenty-five years, explains how infants communicate with us, and we with them.
In the past few years, it has become painfully clear that all is not well with the children of middle-class America. Hardly a day goes by without stories of drug use, binge drinking, destructive violence, and senseless suicides among middle-class adolescents. But the "why" of these tragedies has eluded us, until now.