Personal Growth
by Brian Tracy and Christina Stein
Adapted from Brian Tracy's international time-management bestseller, Eat That Frog!, this book will give today's stressed-out and overwhelmed students the tools for lifelong success.
Like adults, students of all ages struggle with how to manage their time. Encountering the necessity of time management for the first time, high schoolers juggle classes, extracurricular activities (all but mandatory for college admissions), jobs, internships, family responsibilities, and more. College brings even more freedom and less structure, making time management even more critical.
Death may be inevitable, but fearing the end-of-life is avoidable. Learn how to put your fear of your final days to rest.
We all know we are going to die, but live as though we don’t believe it. Rather than explore our options and consider the possibilities that can impact our final days, we ignore the idea altogether out of fear. By avoiding the topic of death, we increase the pain and grief we experience at the end of life, and the suffering of those left behind.
Take charge of your health, happiness, and inner peace with this authoritative guide on treating yourself with kindness, acceptance, and compassion
In this life-changing book, Blake Bauer explains why depression, addiction, physical illness, unfulfilling work, and relationship problems are caused by years of hiding your true emotions, denying your life purpose, and living in fear. Having already helped thousands of people find lasting solutions that conventional medicine, psychiatry, or religion couldn't offer, You Were Not Born to Suffer will show you how to free yourself from these destructive thoughts, habits, and situations that keep you from being happy and well.
In Service to Love offers a pathway for shifting your awareness from the de-stabilizing chaos of the external world to access the rich inner realm that is your authentic nature. When it is time for you to discover your own purpose and truth, In Service to Love offers a multidimensional body of work that elevates your conscious awareness, catalyzing transformation, and enlightenment, opening the door to create your best life possible. Enlightenment, once viewed as unattainable for most, is presented as a natural evolutionary step available now for those who seek to live a life where human nature is integrated with the wisdom and innovative capacity of divine nature. With Darlene Green as modern-day scribe, the contemporary guidance of Masters that comprise the Council of Light is relayed through high-frequency messages, principles, exercises, and palpable presence of Love.
In Service to Love offers a pathway for shifting your awareness from the de-stabilizing chaos of the external world to the ever-present, potent, multi-dimensional, innovative expression of Love that is your authentic nature. When it is time for you to discover your own purpose and truth, In Service to Love offers a modern day mystery school that elevates your conscious awareness, catalyzing transformation and ultimately enlightenment.
Ilene’s first book, Moving Beyond Trauma: The Roadmap to Healing from Your Past and Living with Ease and Vitality, will be available in May 2020. The intention is to help the reader develop a new relationship with their history and understand the importance of bringing the body into the healing process when trying to resolve issues related to trauma.
A world-recognized authority and acclaimed mind-body medicine pioneer presents the first evidenced-based program to reverse the psychological and biological damage caused by trauma.
Ken Honda—Japan’s #1 bestselling personal development guru—knows that getting rich quick is no way to achieve happiness. Too often, money is a source of fear, stress, and anger, often breaking apart relationships and even ruining lives. We like to think money is just a number or a piece of paper, but it is so much more than that. Money has the ability to smile, it changes when it is given with a certain feeling, and the energy with which it imbues us impacts not only ourselves, but others as well.
The Book of Mistakes will take you on an inspiring journey, following an ancient manuscript with powerful lessons that will transform your life. You'll meet David, a young man who with each passing day is more disheartened and stressed. Despite a decent job, apartment, and friends, he just feels hollow . . . until one day he meets a mysterious young woman and everything starts to change.
We spend so much of our lives talking to each other, but how much are we simply running on automatic—relying on old habits and hoping for the best? Are we able to truly hear others and speak our mind in a clear and kind way, without needing to get defensive or go on the attack? In this groundbreaking synthesis of mindfulness, somatics, and Nonviolent Communication, Oren Jay Sofer offers simple yet powerful practices to develop healthy, effective, and satisfying ways of communicating.
The Templeton Prize winning story of a magical encounter between the author and a Trappist monk. Brother John becomes our guide to the redemptive power of an authentically purposeful life.
Has someone you love died? Or have you experienced another kind of loss where you feel like a part of you has died? Do you feel like you're going crazy? You're not crazy. Do you feel alone in how you are experiencing your grief? Have people said things to you that cause you to feel like no one understands? Or do people say nothing at all? You're not alone. I've been there and felt all you are feeling and more.